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Days of Our Lives Recap: Nicole Steals the Baby

Days of Our Lives Episode Recap, Cast List, and Spoilers for Friday, December 15, 2023:




Spoilers Recap for Days of Our Lives on Friday, December 15, 2023: Nicole, feeling at peace, decides to go for a walk. Meanwhile, Sloan and Eric are exhausted from having a tough night with baby Jude. Sloan decides to take Jude for a stroll. After a call with Leo about Dimitri, a flustered Sloan leaves Jude unattended to for a minute… Stephanie and Harris find themselves in bed together. Later, Stephanie and Tripp discuss what happened with Chad and Everett.

Days of Our Lives Episode Recap Friday, December 15, 2023:

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Days Recap Today

Leo wakes up in the park and excitedly talks about a wonderful dream he had. He also mentions Sloan Petersen getting what she deserves in real life.
 Meanwhile, Harris wakes up next to Stephanie in bed and is filled with regret over what he’s done. Stephanie wakes up and is confused and alarmed. “Oh, my God. Oh no. What happened. Why am I…” she says and Harris promises that they can talk later. However, he has to leave for the station because of a baby abduction. Stephanie sneaks out of The Brady Pub, but Leo spots her and finds it suspicious that she would spend the night there, “Interesting. Why would Stepanie Johnson spend the night at The Brady Pub?” As he watches, Leo holds onto a stroller.
Stephanie runs into Tripp at the park and tells him she had a rough night. Tripp offers to talk with her about it before his shift at the hospital starts, but Stephanie declines, saying it’s kind of fuzzy, and she has a massive headache. She admits to having a bad hangover and asks if Tripp has anything he could recommend. He suggests a smoothie that Wendy has, and Stephanie asks how he is doing. Tripp says he’s been working long hours and tells Stephanie that their father told him she’s moving back in with him and Kayla. Stephanie reveals that Chad was insanely jealous of her ex, and what he did was the last straw. Tripp expresses his sympathy. He asks if Stephanie hopes she and Chad will work things out or if she thinks she and Everett will get back together. Stephanie notes that it’s the kids she’s worried about, as she’s like a mother figure to them. While talking about what happened, Stephanie remembers kissing Harris after having too much to drink but doesn’t tell Tripp about it. Tripp advises her to call Chad and talk to him. After Tripp leaves, Stephanie calls Everett, suggesting they grab a coffee.
Days Recap Today

Marlena and Roman are having a conversation at the Brady Pub about the positive changes they have seen in Eric since the arrival of their new grandchild. Initially skeptical about Sloan and Eric’s relationship, Marlena admits that they are putting in a lot of effort to make it work and hopes that they continue to enjoy the happiness that the baby brings.
However, Marlena wonders how Sloan will manage her demanding career along with taking care of the baby. Suddenly, Marlena receives a call from Eric, informing her that Jude has been kidnapped.

Sloan and Eric wake up to the sound of their baby crying. Sloan offers to take care of him and decides to take him for a walk. She promises to stop by Sweet Bits to buy some donuts for her and Eric. While in the Square, Sloan receives a call from Leo, but she is not interested in talking to him. Leo rants about Dimitri being sent to Supermax, but Sloan explains there was nothing she could do. Leo demands money and power, but Sloan asks for more time to figure it out. Leo threatens to expose her secret, and Sloan begs him not to. After the call, Sloan realizes she can’t find her wallet and runs back to Sweet Bits to retrieve it. When she returns to the Square, she discovers that the baby and stroller are missing. She calls for help, claiming that someone stole her baby. Eric arrives on the scene, and Harris and Rafe come to get Sloan’s statement. Sloan explains the situation to Rafe, and they wonder if she has any idea who could have done this. However, Sloan has no clue.
Days Recap Today
Eric takes Rafe to one side and reminds him that Nicole once took a baby. Eric hates to even think that it could be her. Rafe decides to head over to the DiMeras right away and talk to her. At the station, Sloan blames herself, and Marlena tells her not to. Marlena says the important thing is that they find the baby. Leo arrives at the station with the stroller. Sloan thinks it was him but Leo claims it wasn’t. He found the stroller in the alley behind the Brady Pub with no baby inside. He acknowledges that Sloan is his lawyer, and she got him out of jail so he has no motive. “I owe you everything, Sloan Petersen,” he declares.
Later, Sloan confronts Leo, thinking he kidnapped her child. Leo says he is innocent and he did not do this. Leo calls her out and claims that if she really thought he was the kidnapper, she would have explained that to the police and revealed his motive for taking him, but she couldn’t because then everyone would know that the baby was not really hers and then her entire world would be blown up. Leo says he could tell her where the baby is, but he is not telling her. He reminds her that time is ticking.
Days of Our Lives spoilers for December 18, 2023!

Nicole enters and greets EJ, mentioning the beautiful winter morning and her plan to go for a walk by the lake. EJ offers to join her, but she declines, stating that she feels at peace now that she knows their baby is at peace.

Suddenly, EJ receives an alert about a missing baby. He tries to call Nicole but gets her voicemail. He decides to leave a message inviting her to brunch. Just then, Rafe arrives looking for Nicole, explaining that Eric and Sloan’s baby has been kidnapped. EJ insists that Nicole is not responsible and becomes angry when Rafe suggests otherwise. EJ uses the locator on Nicole’s phone, but it shows that her phone is still in the house. Rafe notes that her car is also parked outside. Rafe points out that the lake is adjacent to the Square, and EJ concludes that his wife must have been kidnapped. He tells Rafe to find her and declares his support for Nicole.
Rafe returns to the station with an update for Harris. Meanwhile, Sloan decides she needs to confess. Nicole finds EJ with the baby in the DiMera tunnels. “I’m sorry, EJ, I’m so sorry,” she tells him.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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