
From Alex Kiriakis to Stephanie Johnson: DAYS Goes To The Socks

Jada Hunter, Harris, and Theresa also got into this DAYS act.

We knew the good people of Days of our Lives cared about love and money and revenge and family. But we had no idea there was another obsession lurking just beneath the surface: Socks. It would seem that Salem-ites are obsessed with socks. On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, nearly the entire episode was devoted to their rich and complex feelings on the subject.

Stephanie Johnson: Sisters Before Misters

Jada (Elia Cantu) and Stephanie (Abigail Klein) got drunk in the middle of the day, and dished about the men in their lives…not realizing that they had one in common. The comatose guy who Stephanie thought ghosted her, and the ex-husband who worked so hard he and Jada drifted apart are both the same guy: Everett (Blake Berris).

Sure, being ghosted is awful. Being ignored for a 24-7 job is awful. But you know what’s really awful? Socks. Socks are the worst thing about men. Men who leave their socks all over the apartment. Men who walk around wearing only one. Socks, socks, socks. Stephanie and Jada even wanted to know Harris’s (Steve Burton) position on socks when they convinced him to sit down and have a drink with them. This topic is inexhaustible! (Refresh your memory with the recap of this episode here.)

But, Wait, There’s More!

Not enough sock talk for you? Have no fear, for more sock chat is here! Theresa (Emily O’Brien) took Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) to chop down a Christmas tree. Then they came back home and talked about decorating for the holidays. Alex determined that he had no ornaments, no tinsel and, oh, horror of horrors, no stockings to hang over the fireplace!

Luckily, Theresa reassured Alex that, in the past, regular, old socks got the job done. Oh, socks, they are so versatile! Is there nothing they can’t do? Alex was so turned on by the information Theresa shared with him that he couldn’t wait to get her into bed. Considering Theresa’s plan to make Alex so in love with her that he won’t consider breaking up even when the truth about her ruining his life comes out, she ought to consider discussing socks with him more often.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/

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