
That Was Fast: Days of Our Lives Just Teased Gabi’s Return — or *a* Gabi’s Return

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Days mashup, Gabi looking thoughtful and Stefan on the phone

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI, Peacock screenshot


It’s been a little while since we’ve heard from Days of Our Lives’ Gabi, seeing as how she’s off in prison and all. We’ve certainly heard of how she’s doing, seeing as how Clyde’s using threats to her to have Stefan do his drug running bidding.

But Days of Our Lives changed that today when it began with Stefan on the phone with Gabi. It’s one sided, but we learn a few things from Stefan. First off, Gabi’s in the infirmary, which is concerning thanks to not just Clyde’s threats, but knowing that the last time Gabi was in prison, she suffered a beating that robbed her of being able to bear more children.

lucas and gabi at the prison infirmary

The second tidbit we learned was that Stefan couldn’t get in to see her because there was a fight at the prison (which we may be learning more about tomorrow), and third, that Stefan’s promised to be in soon so they can have “a good talk. An important talk.”

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So the question is: Are we finally going to be seeing Gabi again soon? It seems impossible to keep her in there indefinitely, seeing as how we’re pretty sure she actually is innocent in Li’s death. So we figured that once the folks of Salem got to the bottom of his murder, she’d be making her big return.

Days' Stefan talking on his phone to Gabi in the DiMera living room

But this conversation has us wondering if she’ll be back before then. If Stefan really needs to have as big a talk with her as he says, then it would be a downright waste for it to happen off-screen.

So does that mean Camila Banus is on her way back? It seems unlikely as she left to start a new chapter in her life. But not that long ago, Gabi’s former portrayer did certainly seem open to someone else taking over for the character!

This could just be a tease, but in one fell swoop, Days of Our Lives certainly seemed to kick our Gabi speculation into overdrive. After all, who else is going to push for the truth to come out if not Gabi herself? And it would be a whole lot more impactful if we actually got to see her to do it!

Ava holds Stefan's face while kissing him. Chad disdainfully watches.

Plus, now that Ava’s really taken this “We’re in a relationship” cover story with Stefan to the next level, it would be the perfect time for Gabi to come back to give her hell!

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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