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Brady Desperately Turns to Nicole For Help After Tate Is Attacked In Jail

Wednesday, January 10, 2024: Today on Days of Our Lives, Brady vows to get Tate out of jail, while EJ vows to make the teen pay. Plus, Paulina finds new ways to try and job Abe’s memory, and Everett tries to insert himself in Harris’ investigation. 

Brady stands in the DiMera's open doorway. Facing him, EJ looks over his shoulder at a rigid Nicole.

Credit: Peacock screenshot

Chanel cringes as Paulina makes a morning veggie smoothie at home. “It looks like Shrek threw up in there.” Paulina’s just trying to be healthier in the wake of her thyroid issues. In fact, she got an idea from her endocrinologist that led her to research holistic treatments for memory issues, which could help Abe.

m her endocrinologist that led her to research holistic treatments for memory issues, which could help Abe.


Chanel scrunches her face as Paulina pours a green smoothie at home.

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Abe comes to the door with chocolate croissants from Sweet Bits, but a disapproving Paulina rips them from his hand. Chanel informs Abe that Paulina is on a health kick, and then leaves to give them privacy. Paulina starts to tell Abe about her research, but he stops her. He wants his memory back, but if it doesn’t happen, he will learn to live with it. The question is, “Can you?”

At the Pub, a weary Everett works on an article about Paulina’s drug policies netting record poll numbers. Stephanie enters with two shots of espresso for him from another establishment, which she can do because her uncle owns the Pub. She knew he’d need it after working all night on the story. She then excitedly pitches an idea for a Spectator PR murder mystery event at an escape room. He thinks it’s a great idea. They might even be able to save this paper.

Moving on to other business, Stephanie reminds Everett of the MLK park cleanup day and asks how Leo’s first column is. He reports it’s late because Leo is sifting through a ton of material. Apparently, there is no shortage of secrets Salemites are trying to hide. Stephanie flashes back to waking up in Harris’ room above the Pub.

Harris and Jada arrive at a dingy apartment where cops have arrested a burly man with long, curly hair and a thick beard. After the arresting cops leave, Harris demands to know where the handcuffed man got the ten bags of dope found in his possession. When the man refuses to talk, Harris offers to make his charges go away if he tells them who his boss is.EJ brings Nicole home to regroup, but she lashes out over his fawning. She feels like she’ll never wake from this nightmare. EJ reminds her he came back from being shot in the head. Holly is young and full of life and spirit. She’ll beat her situation, too. Nicole is trying to be optimistic, but she’s having trouble believing in miracles right now.

In front of EJ, Nicole squeezes her eyes shut and opens her mouth wide as she screams.

Nicole recounts how she prayed for the first time in a long time when they spread their son’s ashes — and then Holly OD’d. She took that as a sign of how God feels about her. EJ delicately assures her that tragedies happen; it’s no reflection on her. All they can do is remain strong and focus on what they still have to be grateful for. Nicole scoffs that it’s easier said than done. EJ encourages her to cry, but Nicole doesn’t need permission for that. What she wants to do is scream. Then do it, he says. He goes first while pumping her up to follow suit. She loudly wails and then falls into his arms.

In the jail’s visitors’ room, a guard delivers a slouching Tate to see his parents. He reluctantly reveals a blackeye he received from an inmate in the cafeteria. Fuming, Brady declares Tate shouldn’t be there. Theresa agrees, ordering Brady to do something about that. Brady doesn’t know what else to do. Theresa suggests he ask Nicole to appeal to EJ.

With a stricken expression, Theresa delicately touches Tate's face in the jail's visitors room. Brady angrily stands behind her, emphatically pointing downward.

After getting an alert about a dealer being brought in for questioning, Everett leaves the Pub. As he exits out the front, Jada emerges from the kitchen, looking at her phone. Jada sits with Stephanie, and they rehash their day drinking adventure with Harris. Stephanie insists she has no interest in Harris, but she did kiss her ex, Everett. Chanel breezes in to wolf down an unhealthy ham and cheese omelet and maybe to sneak one to Abe. Stephanie invites her to sit with them while she waits. Chanel and Jada exchange an uneasy look.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/
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